Keoni Barr said he is ready to be the person he knows he can be after successfully completing the Big Island Veterans Treatment Court program.
He told judges, court staff, family, and friends that he was struggling in life when he began the program, but thanks to their never-ending support, he got the confidence to get himself back on track. Read full article. From left, First Circuit Judge Edward H. Kubo, Jr., and Third Circuit Judge Henry T. Nakamoto (fourth from left) were joined by Veterans Treatment Court participants, alumni, probation officers, mentors, attorneys, and Veterans Administration staff at the 2019 Hilo Veterans Day Parade. November is an important month for the Big Island Veterans Treatment Court (BIVTC). The program was launched in November 2014, and is now celebrating five successful years of operations. BIVTC staff and supporters also commemorate the Veterans Day Holiday, and honor veterans all month long. Read full article.